School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Training Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Hearings for Special Actions Regarding Students - 3:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m.

February 18, 2010 Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order (7:00 p.m.)
1. Attendance

Minutes: Present: Carol Vallencourt, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Frank Farrell, District 4; Lisa Graham, District 5, and Superintendent Ben Wortham.  Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3, was not present due to a mission trip to Haiti.

Consent Agenda

2. C-1 Minutes of Student Disciplinary Hearings and Regular Meeting on January 21, 2010
Attachment: Minutes - Student Hearings 01-21-10.pdf (Confidential Item)
Attachment: Minutes - School Board Mtg - 01-21-10.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

3. C-2 Gasoline Purchase Agreement for 2010 between Clay County School Board and Clay County Sheriff's Office
Attachment: Gasoline Purchase Agreement - CCSB-CCSO.pdf
4. C-3 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2009-2010
Attachment: Allocation Summary - Current Backup February18, 2010.pdf
Human Resources

5. C-5 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 2-18-10.pdf
6. C-6 Memorandum of Understanding with UNF for 2010-2011
Attachment: 2010-2011 MOU with UNF (SPRINT).pdf
7. C-7 Memorandum of Understanding with University of Southern California for 2009-2010
Attachment: Memorandum of Understanding - USC.pdf

8. C-8 Affiliation Agreement between Florida State University and The School Board of Clay County, Florida.
Attachment: FSU Contract.pdf
9. C-9 Co-Enrollees for January 2010
Attachment: Co-Enrollees - January 2010.pdf (Confidential Item)
10. C-10 Business Associate Agreement between Orange Park Medical and School Board of Clay County
Attachment: agreement betw OPMedical and CCSB.pdf
11. C-11 Student Travel
Attachment: Student Travel-February, 2010.pdf
Attachment: Student Travel-Feb., 2010-Addition.pdf
12. C-12 Reduction in Weight of "Honors" Courses
13. C-13 Bannerman Learning Center Placements in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update
Attachment: BLC placements.pdf
14. C-14 Amendment to 2009-2010 Contract Between Clay Behavioral Health Center and School Board of Clay County, Florida
Attachment: CBHC Addendum.pdf
15. C-15 Career and Technical Education Month Proclamation
Attachment: PROCLAMATION,CTE.pdf
Business Affairs

16. C-16 Budget Amendments for the Month of January, 2010
Attachment: budget cover sheet_impact stmt_.pdf
Attachment: General Fund Revenue.pdf
Attachment: General Fund Appropriations.pdf
Attachment: Debt Service.pdf
Attachment: Capital Projects.pdf
Attachment: School Food Service.pdf
Attachment: Special Revenue - Other.pdf
Attachment: SFSF.pdf
Attachment: ARRA.pdf
Attachment: Internal Service Funds.pdf
17. C-18 Monthly Property Report - January, 2010 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-January, 10.pdf
18. C-19 Monthly Property Report - January, 2010 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-January, 10.pdf
19. C-20 Monthly Property Report - January, 2010 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-January,10.pdf
20. C-21 Monthly Property Report - January, 2010 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-January, 10.pdf
21. C-22 Deletion of Certain Items Report - February, 2010
Attachment: Deletion Report-February, 10.pdf
22. C-23 Write off Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Checks at AES
23. C-24 Warrants & Vouchers for January, 2010
Attachment: Warrants & Vouchers January, 2010.pdf
24. C-25 Agreement between School Board and Sheriff’s Office for security services
Attachment: 2_18_2010 Sheriff Agreement.pdf
25. C-26 Bid Renewals February 2010
Support Services

26. C-27 Final Completion to Install a Lightning Protection System at Ridgeview High School
27. C-28 Deductive Change Order #1for Wilkinson Junior High School Locker Bay Re-Roof
Attachment: WJH Locker Bay Re-Roof CO 1.pdf
28. C-29 Additive Change Order #12 for OakLeaf High School
Attachment: OLHS CO 12.pdf
29. C-30 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Middleburg Elementary School Classroom Addition
Attachment: CO 1, MBE Classrm Addition.pdf
30. C-31 Deductive Change Order #11 (Direct Purchasing) for OakLeaf High School
Attachment: OLHS CO 11.pdf
31. C-32 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Wilkinson Elementary School Buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20 & 21 Re-Roof
32. C-33 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Tynes Elementary School Building 2 HVAC Replacement
33. C-34 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Ridgeview Elementary School Building 1 HVAC Replacement
34. C-35 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Orange Park Elementary School Building 7 Restroom Renovation
35. C-36 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Clay High School Building 5 HVAC Replacement
36. C-37 Final (Phase III) Plans and Specifications for Clay Hill Elementary School Building 2 HVAC Replacement
37. C-38 Ridgeview High School Gymnasium Roof Over Construction Contract Award
Attachment: Bid Tab, RHS Gym Roof Over.pdf
38. C-39 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 2,18,10.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
39. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items

Minutes: Consent Items were approved with the exception of C-4 and C-17 which were pulled to Discussion.

Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception item C-4 and C-17 which were moved to Discussion.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Recognitions and Awards
40. Recognition of CTE Month

Minutes: Paul Parker, Director of Career and Technical Education, gave an overview of the CTE Program and those involved in its many facets.  The 3rd Annual Career Academy Expo will be held on February 25th at 6:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Middleburg.  Everyone was encouraged to attend.  He also recognized the Culinary Arts Program at Ridgeview High School for their outstanding achievements.  Tina Worth, with the Greater Jacksonville Chamber, awarded the academy a banner and a plaque.
41. Recognize Outstanding School Volunteers of the Year - Carol Studdard


Carol Studdard recognized the Outstanding Volunteers of the year:  Jean Cocco, Swimming Pen Creek Elementary - Youth Volunteer; Megan Wright, Swimming Pen Creek Elementary - Adult Volunteer and Marge Garey, C.E. Bennett Elementary - Senior Volunteer.  Vicki Padgett, Asst. Principal - SPC; Theresa Hankel, and Tara Richardson, Asst. Principals - FIH and Evelyn Chastain, Principal - CEB were present for the recognition.

Scheduled Citizen Requests (None)
Presenters (None)
Discussion Agenda
Deputy Superintendent

42. C-4 (Adams) Proposed Staff Allocations for 2010-2011
Attachment: 2010-2011 Allocation Document.pdf
Minutes: Denise Adams, Deputy Superintendent, gave a brief interpretation of the allocation document, which includes teacher positions, support positions and administration positions covering all funds.  Also covered were the "hold for funding" positions, the possible changes in the Class Size Amendment and the new positions at OakLeaf High School.

Approve Staff Allocations as submitted. - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

Human Resources

43. Human Resources - Special Actions

Minutes: There were none.  No action was taken.
Business Affairs

44. C-17 (Farrell) Monthly Financial Report for January, 2010
Attachment: PAGE 1 MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 2 MONTHLY FIN-GREV.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 3 MONTHLY FIN-GREXP.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 5 Capital Projects.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 6 Capital Projects By Project.pdf
Attachment: PAGE 9 MONTHLY FIN-SPREV42X.pdf

Dr. George Copeland gave an overview of the Monthly Financial reports for the public, at the request of Mr. Frank Farrell, School Board Vice Chairman.

Approval of the monthly financial report for January, 2010, as presented.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Vallencourt
Second: Frank Farrell
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye
Carol Vallencourt- Aye
Charlie VanZant- Not Present

45. Review the Refinancing of the 1995 RACETRACK BONDS

Minutes: Will Reed of Ford & Associates and Kevin Conitz of Stephens, Inc. (purchaser of bonds) were present.  Mr. Reed explained the refund of the existing 1995 Racetrack Bonds, with the new issue series 2010, provided $1.6 million in project funds.  The market was very receptive of this issue due to the district's ability to attain an A+ rating with Fitch which was due, in a large part, to the district's fiscal responsibility.  The $1.6 million in project funds will be used through our Capital Outlay to assist our technology infrastructure.

Presentations from the Audience (None)
Superintendent Requests
46. Announcement


Mr. Wortham thanked his staff for the excellent work on allocations for 2010-2011.

The Superintendent announced that he would be in Tallahassee on Wednesday, February 24th, at the "Superintendent's Roundtable" event.  There will be discussion on what is about to happen in the Legislature, beginning on March 2nd.  He will bring back information from the meeting.

School Board's Requests


Mr. Farrell will be at the "23rd Annual Day in the Legislature" March 24-26, 2010 in Tallahassee.

Mrs. Studdard reminded everyone about the Science Fair, February 23rd at the Fair Grounds.  She also inquired about the "fly-over" being constructed at the Branan Field intersection at OakLeaf High School.  Jim Connell provided information.

Mrs. Vallencourt asked if the Class Size Amendment would be back on the ballot in November and whether or not our legislators would support the school average ratio rather than class by class.

Mr. Wortham advised that legislators are developing a joint resolution in support of the school average ratio and are working with statutory language to put in abeyance the class by class requirement until the November 2nd general election when voters will determine if the constitutional amendment will be amended.  Mr. Wortham suggests that without a modification to the current requirement the state's budget will be seriously challenged.

Mrs. Graham commented on the use of security cameras in the schools.  Mr. Elliott will provided a report on cost/use of security cameras.

Attorney's Requests
48. School Board Attorney Request for Meeting


Bruce Bickner, School Board Attorney, requested a private meeting with the School Board according to Florida Statute 286.011 (8) which allows meetings out of the sunshine.  The meeting is requested at the end of the School Board Meeting on March 18th to discuss pending litigation, strategies, settlement issues and liability issues.

Adjournment (8:12 p.m.)

